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      New High for Legacies Left in Wills

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      New data has revealed that 37,000 wills in England, Scotland and Wales had a legacy donation in 2015; this was the highest number ever recorded from date by Smee & Ford.

      The 2015 year saw a 6.7% increase in the number of requests to leave money to a charity in a will. The average number of charities donated to by a donor was 3, resulting in 121,000 bequests in wills and totalling approximately £2.5bn worth of donations to charities.
      This data comes at the end of Remember a Charity week, a campaign set up in 2000 to encourage more people to leave a charitable gift in their will.

      Rob Cope, director of Remember a Charity, said: “Legacies have never been more important to charities and this year’s findings are great news for the sector, showing that more people are choosing to remember a charity in their will than ever before.

      At Glazer Delmar we provide a range of services from our team that can help you make or update a will in confidence. We are committed to the Code of Practice for the Elderly to communicate in a clear and understandable way with dignity and respect. Call us on: 020 8299 0021 to make an appointment.

      Lasting Powers of Attorney

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      We have all seen articles along these lines about the NHS. If we are honest, we sometimes read the whole article, but on many occasions we skim through it or abandon it part way because of the unpalatable nature of the content.

      Regrettably, we as individuals cannot fix the NHS nor can we fix our health when it fails us. What we can do, is ensure that we have put in place appropriate arrangements so that if ill health strikes, our wishes in respect of health and welfare matters are complied with, our property and finances are able to be managed for us and our families are protected from additional stress arising in connection with administrative matters at a time when they are already overwhelmed.

      Making a Lasting Power of Attorney is a very important part of organising your personal affairs and selecting the individuals you would like to act on your behalf when you are unable to represent yourself. Regrettably this is an area which is often overlooked, until it is too late.

      The Private Client Department at Glazer Delmar has two specialist practitioners Cheryl Thompson and Charlotte Mandy, who are happy to provide comprehensive advice in respect of this area of law.

      Do not allow life’s events to jeopardise your right to exercise choice in respect of healthcare matters or leave your property and financial affairs unmanaged. Making Lasting Powers of Attorney while you are in good health is much the same as taking out an insurance policy. You sincerely hope there will be no need to use it but have the reassurance of knowing it is there should the need arise.

      For all enquiries please contact:

      Cheryl Thompson on 020 8613 5118
      Charlotte Mandy on 020 8613 5110

      Partner Caroline Sherry on Brexit and the housing market

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      No-one predicted Brexit and understandably the property market stalled in July whilst people questioned whether it was the right time to sell or buy.

      August, however, has seen the market returning to a more “normal” state – enquiries are well up on July’s figures and are on the same level as this time last year.

      It is more important than ever, during times of uncertainty, to make sure that you instruct a solicitor who will be pro-active in managing your conveyancing transaction.

      Glazer Delmar are here to help!

      Caroline Sherry  – Partner and head of Property.

      At Glazer Delmar our local knowledge can help your home move go as smoothly as possible. Our conveyancing team based in East Dulwich are experienced solicitors who can help you in the fast moving property market. Contact our team on: 020 8299 0021 or visit our website to find out more information and get in touch.

      A third of ‘silver divorces’ result in the family home being sold

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      Those over 50 are dubbed the ‘silver divorcees’ as more older couples get divorced, bucking a trend that has seen divorce rates dropping. Now a new survey from Nationwide Mortgages has shown that 28% of over 50s who have been through a divorce results in the couple selling the family home.

      The survey also revealed that 13% ended up downsizing as the need for a large home is removed following the divorce and 8% move into private rented accommodation; more over 50s are now seeking rental accommodation than ever before.

      Older couples may have accumulated assets often over many decades of marriage; with everything from furniture to pets were being split after the divorce. One in five (21%) said they had split furniture, a quarter (24%) had shared savings, 6% had shared family heirlooms, and 3% now share the ownership of family pets.

      More than half reported being happier as a result of their divorce.

      If you want information from our experienced and dedicated Family & Relationships team please contact us on 020 8299 0021 or visit our website.

      Married couples are more likely to be happier than those who cohabit

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      New data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has shown that couples who are married or in a civil partnership are likely to be happiest. Of those surveyed 35% rated their happiness very highly.

      Of those who cohabited only 28% rated their happiness at the same level – 9 or 10 out of 10 on the ONS’ happiness scale.

      Only 2.8% of married people had “low” life satisfaction compared with 10% of divorcees.

      “There is a saying, ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’, so having someone to turn to for company and support in times of need is essential for a person’s wellbeing,” the ONS report claims.

      The report did outline that the numbers of people who had someone to rely on including a close friend or family member has dropped – 84.1% of those surveyed had someone to rely on if they had a serious problem. Three years earlier 86.4% of people felt the same.

      At Glazer Delmar our Family & Relationships team has been providing legal services including divorce, pre-nups, financial orders and more in South London for many years.

      To find out more about the services we can provide to you visit our website or call us on: 020 8299 0021.

      PLEASE NOTE: Our bank details have now changed. Please contact the Accounts office directly on 01452 221 953 for more information.
