About our property dispute team
When you have a dispute over a property you need a solicitor who will work with you to resolve your issue in the most cost-effective and expeditious way. Our team of property dispute lawyers deal with these types of issues on a daily basis. They know the law and are able to utilise it to their clients’ favour providing a quick and cost-effective resolution. We specialise in acting for landlords, both private landlords and large social housing landlords and so therefore have the experience and knowledge to assist. If you would like to speak to one of our property dispute solicitors you can contact us online or call 020 8299 0021.
Our specialist property dispute solicitors based in London are supported by four decades of experience, having an intimate understanding of property law and can help you seek to address a range of property disputes.
We specialise in:
• injunctions
• jointly owned property
• leasehold disputes
• specialist advice to landlords – possession claims and disrepair claims
Contact us today to find out how we can help.