We strive to provide a high quality service and specialise in certain areas of law. The person dealing with your case is a specialist in that particular area.
If you have any queries or concerns about the work being carried out for you, first of all please take this up with the person dealing with your case. Do not delay raising any concern that you have. We hope that if an issue is brought to our attention, it will be resolved speedily and to your satisfaction.
Records are kept of all complaints so that we can monitor them. We want to ensure that we give you a good service.
Michael Glazer is the firm’s Client Care partner. If the person dealing with your case does not resolve your query or problem to your satisfaction, or if you would prefer to speak to someone else, then you should contact him. You may telephone to discuss your concern, write or make an appointment to come into the office.
Our aim is to ensure that your concern is dealt with seriously and speedily. We hope to respond within 10 days at the most. Michael Glazer will look at your file and discuss your concerns with the person dealing with your case. He will endeavour to explain the position to you and settle any misunderstanding. He will ensure that any necessary work is carried out and he will consider your best interests at all times. He will give an apology if that is appropriate. He will endeavour to ensure that you are happy with the way your case is handled. Sometimes another person may be able to take the case over.
If you remain dissatisfied with the way we deal with your complaint, you may write to the Legal Ombudsman, whose address is: PO Box 6806, Wolverhampton WV1 9WJ. Their telephone number is: 0300 555 0333. You can email at: enquiries@legalombudsman.org.uk. Briefly, there is a time limit of 6 months from our final response to approach the Ombudsman.
If you have concern about our professional behaviour you may contact the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Their email address is : www.sra.org.uk/consumers/problems/report-solicitor.page